Sermon Text 6.6.2021 — Naked

June 6, 2021                                                                                   Text:  Genesis 3:8-15

Dear Friends in Christ,

            Naked.  Do I have your attention?  I figure there are two reactions when I say naked.  Naked, all right this sermon is going to be good.  Naked.  Should Pastor be talking about that from the pulpit? 

            If you are familiar with the early chapters of Genesis, you realize nakedness existed in the Garden of Eden.  Before the fall, Adam and Eve lived naked.  Because of their innocence, lack of shame, and freedom from sin, nakedness did not affect them.  They stood naked before God in Paradise.  This topic is Biblical, so if you are little nervous, relax.  Let’s step into the Garden and talk about being . . .


            Recall life in the Garden of Eden.  Adam and Eve were made to live in a loving relationship with God and reflect for them their own relationship and in their stewardship of creation.  God said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.” (Gen. 1:28)  They were defined by the love of God that brought them into being and the honor of being stewards of God’s earth.

            Then sin crept into God’s creation.  The serpent promised they could be like God.  Adam and Eve abandoned their privileged position among God’s creatures.  By coveting godhood, they separated themselves from the life-giving love of God that had made them and defined them.  They thought if they had the knowledge of good and evil, they wouldn’t owe anything to anyone.  But this knowledge didn’t make them more divine.  It only opened their eyes to how evil their abuse of God’s love had been.  It exposed their nakedness. They were now free to define themselves, create their own godhood.  But this freedom proved to be an endless struggle to cover their shame – a struggle filled with pain, doubt, and death.

            Isn’t their naked shame quite amazing?  We understand this if we have ever been naked in front of someone or many some ones.  But their shame was before God, not necessarily each other.  This is why they played hide and seek.  They weren’t hiding from each other, they were hiding from God.  “Who told you that you were naked?”  They would cover themselves with fig leaves but Adam still complained to Eve that she had put his pants in the salad again!

            Ever since the fall, we mark our lives by self-definition.  We are judged by how much we have achieved in life, how much education we have or how much we earn.  We make a statement:  “This is what I’ve made myself to be.”  We dress ourselves up in our achievements for everyone to see.

            There is nothing wrong with all of this unless they become our gods.  “This is what I made myself to be” can never be our creed.  When what we accomplish turns into a means of self-creation, we fall into the same sin as Adam and Eve.  This deceives us into thinking we are naked unless we clothe ourselves with our successes.  This blinds us to the fact that all we are and all we have comes from the hand of God, the only and true Creator. 

            God didn’t just leave Adam and Eve naked.  He cursed them yes for their disobedience but He then promised a covering for sin – a Savior who would bridge a right relationship with God.  He would bring them back.

            We also are not left naked.  We can never do enough to cover ourselves up.  Thanks be to God, by the resurrected, ascended, and glorified body of Jesus Christ, we do indeed become clothed.  All sinners who repent and are washed in the cleansing flood of Baptism receive a robe of righteousness.  The Spirit recreates us as members of Christ’s holy, glorified body in union with our Savior.  He makes us, the Bride of Christ, one with our eternal Husband.  Our Lord and Savior covers us in His holiness and righteousness.  So when the Father looks at us, He sees the clothing of His beloved Son.  Those glorious fashions are bestowed by grace as part of our dowry and inheritance.  Clothed with the robes of Christ, we can enter the divine and holy presence of God with boldness and confidence.  Because we partake of Christ, we presently stand in God’s heavenly presence in this flesh.  We abide in Him; He dwells in us.  And when He returns to bring us into His eternal home, we will receive the radiant clothing of His majesty and glory forever.

            Talking about naked wasn’t so bad now, was it?  What happened to Adam and Eve happens to us daily.  The world tries to clothe us with their constant drivel and their “look at me” mentality.   Through the Holy Spirit we know better.  The love of our Savior, Christ’s love covers us now and into eternity. 

            You can lift your head now . . . it’s time to say . . .    Amen.  


May 30, 2021 – Holy Trinity Sunday                                              Text:  John 3:1-17

Dear Friends in Christ,

            It’s Holy Trinity Sunday.  A day to take a deep breath and confess the  incomprehensible – God as one divine being in three divine persons, A Unity in Trinity and a Trinity in Unity.  Or as we say tri-une.  “Neither confusing the persons nor dividing the substance.”  But it’s sure confusing, isn’t it?  We were baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  We invoke Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in our worship.  But are we any closer to wrapping our minds around it on this side of the resurrection?  Now we know only in part.  You can’t rationalize it – you can only believe and confess it.

            Analogies can be tricky.  Some compare the tri-unity of God to three phases of water – solid ice, liquid water, gaseous steam.  Three forms of H2O – water.  Sounds good, but it doesn’t hold water for long.  You can have ice without steam and steam without liquid water, and in the end they are three different forms of the same thing. 

            The best we can offer is the triangle or the tricycle.  Take away any leg and you no longer have a triangle.  Take away any wheel and you no longer have a tricycle and you aren’t going anywhere.  Before we put our theology to rest let’s just say this today . . .


            Today is a reminder we can’t fit God in a box or fit Him neatly inside our heads.  We dust off the venerable 5th century creed named after St. Athanasius (though he didn’t write it) and we recite all the undivideds and incomprehensibles and when you get to the Amen, you feel as though you haven’t quite said it all, or maybe you’ve said too much.  And that’s good.  St. Paul reminds us we see dimly through smoky glass.  We are only given what God revealed to us, no more or less.

            And that’s the point.  God tells us who He is.  We don’t make God in our image – that’s an idol.  God revealed Himself, and we try our best to say what God revealed.  And at the end of this Holy Trinity Sunday, we won’t be any closer to understanding God or explaining Him.  But we will have confessed Him and worshipped Him.

            God reveals Himself as Father.  Our Father.  This is where it all begins – the head, the source, provider, protector, defender.  Fatherly goodness and mercy.  The Father begets the Son who sends the Spirit who proclaims the Son who brings us to the Father. 

            The Father loves the world so He sends the Son.  The Son is lifted up.  Lifted up with our sin, lifted up on a cross, lifted up from the grave, lifted up to the right hand of the Father.  Jesus is the antidote for our sin.  Imagine having a cure for every disease known to man?  We have that vial and it is labeled “Jesus Christ crucified for your sins and raised for your justification.”  It’s free.  You don’t need an appointment or physician approval.  No call to the insurance company because there is no cost to you.  It’s all-gratis in the Word that forgives you, the Baptism that makes you His child, the bread of Christ’s body and the wine of His blood.

            The Holy Spirit delivers the medicine.  He is the breath of God, blowing over the dry, dead bones of this world and making them alive in Jesus. 

            In our text, Nicodemus has a Holy Trinity encounter with Jesus.  He doesn’t get it.  He can’t grasp it.  He keeps asking these questions.  Similar to many of us.  “Pastor but what about this?  Pastor what about that?  How can this be?”  Early in my ministry I stopped being the Shell answer man.  I tried faking a good answer but people see through that.  Sometimes, I have to tell you, “I don’t know.”  I believe.  I confess.  Even if it is not fully understood. 

            “How can a man be born again?”  Jesus replies with a double Amen.  “Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.  That which is born of flesh is flesh, that which is born of Spirit is spirit.”  He goes on to tell Nicodemus not to rationalize it.  You can no more box up the Spirit than you can capture the wind.  Listen to the voice preaching to you and believe.

            Water and Spirit.  Wind and water.  That’s the creative womb for the Word to conceive and bear.  Water and Spirit were at creation.  Water and Spirit at Jesus’ baptism.  Water and Spirit at Pentecost.  You must be born anew but that doesn’t mean you get to decide.  Did you decide to be born the first time?  No one consulted you about that.  If you were baptized as an infant, no one had a mealtime discussion with you.  For many of the important decisions in your life, no one ever asked you.  It is all of God’s doing, not ours.

            You may have topped the Apgar charts as a baby.  You may have been the smartest, most beautiful baby in the nursery, but you were born into the death of your father Adam.  You inherited his sin.  You can’t fix that.  You must die and rise.  You must be born anew.  And you are.  Born from above.  A new, heavenly birth through the Holy Spirit.  Your new birth in Jesus makes you a child of God.

            Nicodemus still struggled.  Somewhere along the way he got it.  He helped to bury Jesus.  Wherever there is water and Spirit there is new creation in Christ the Word.  Trust his Word.  Have faith in your new creation.  Through your doubting’s and questions you are loved by the Father, through His Son Jesus, in the Holy Spirit.  And in the triune love of God, you will live forever.         Amen.