Sermon Text for Sunday, March 4, 2018: “Is Jesus A Wimp?”

March 4, 2018                                                                        Text:  John 2:13-22


Dear Friends in Christ,


Who likes to upset the status quo?  Who of you gets involved when an injustice is done?  When do we not follow the guidelines?

My last year at the seminary we were to have a banquet for those that would be graduating.  We were called to a meeting of the administration that was run by the interim president.  He was interim because the previous president had been let go unceremoniously and without cause.  We were told at this meeting that we could invite anyone we wanted to be our banquet speaker except the former president.  After the meeting my class gathered and took a vote.  We overwhelmingly voted for the former president of the seminary.  The administration was quite shocked.  We had literally turned over tables and they didn’t like it.  Ultimately the banquet was cancelled and the money saved was given to each man to use in the bookstore.

If you watched the recent Olympics you saw a female half-pipe skier who played by the rules but upset the Olympic powers that be by qualifying without really doing any tricks in her discipline.  She just skied down the hill and social media was up in arms.  I love things like that.

Today in our text Jesus is in the temple and things are not right.  What will our Lord do?  Will He take action or as some want to claim . . .


Part of our society want to see Jesus as a wimp.  You know how it goes.  Jesus loves everyone and it doesn’t matter what kind of sick behavior you indulge in because when you die we are all going to look to the sky like you have been saved though your life never showed any kind of Christian faith.  Jesus can be portrayed as mealy-mouthed and compassionate and a little wimpy.  Let’s see if that description really fits.

In our text Jesus is going to the temple in Jerusalem and instead of worshippers He finds a flea market.  Does He just walk away?  Does he try to explain these people’s behavior away?  Does he think He has to love them even if they are doing wrong?  No, no, and no!  He creates a scene and offends.  Finding his Father’s House being misused and abused, Jesus has to burst out into action.  This is no wimpy Jesus.  This is the Son of God calling people out for their poor behavior and choices.  “Take these things away; do not make my Father’s house a house of trade.” (v. 16b)

Where might Jesus’ anger burn today?  How about with the church that built a water slide for baptisms?  How about with those who are trying to change his gift of marriage?  Or those killing babies for convenience.  Does His heart burn for those who find excuses to stay away from His House?  Would He like to overturn the tables on those who use his name as exclamation points?  How about with worshippers who long for a person-centered service of good feelings rather than a God-centered one?  Is He patient when our thoughts wander in worship or if the service goes a little longer than we like?  Like we are doing God a favor. . when really it is the other way around.

Only God’s perfect person can meet our pitiful person.  No bowing to decorum, if it means compromising God’s house.  No playing it safe, blending in, even though this sort of outburst will get him killed.  No greater love or mercy or humility could be shown us sinners than what we see in the person of Christ.

Jesus is no wimp.  He is authentic and genuine.  Unlike the money-changers and sinners like us, he offers more than a fair exchange.  He exchanges our guilt for his acquittal.  He exchanges our crosses of damnation for his cross of salvation.  He exchanges our weaknesses for the strength of his resurrection.  He exchanges the weak things of our world for the strong world of heaven.  He exchanges, on the Last Day, our vile bodies for his victorious, resurrected one.

This was no weakling Christ, no coward wielding that whip.  And the grossly offended powers-that-be in the temple weren’t seeing the half of it.  This was almighty God!  The power of Christ is unmatched and his church will prevail.  Even the gates of hell cannot overcome against this lowly yet mighty body of believers.  Christ’s zeal, though seemingly destroyed on the cross, was instead raised in power on Easter.  And because He lives, we live forever.

Christian brother and sister today is another good reminder that we come from a long line of table turners.  Jesus, Martin Luther, the early Christians in America.  What are we doing about the money-changers and Scripture changers and post-modern blowhards of our day?  Being a wimp is not an option.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are reminded, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation.” (Rom. 1:16)  That was written by St. Paul who was transformed from a Christian hating zealot to a servant of Christ Jesus.  That is the Lord’s power through the Holy Spirit.  Lives can be changed and transformed but not if we just sit idly by.

Come out of the temple.  The world needs to hear the Gospel message from you and I.  Do we have the zeal?  I pray that we do.


Sermon Text for Sunday, February 25, 2018: “Back to the Basics.”

February 25, 2018                                                                            Text:  Romans 5:1-8


Dear Friends in Christ,


Sometimes it’s good just to go back to the basics, just to hear once again the core of what wee believe, just to listen to what brings peace, hope and joy to our hearts.  Romans 5 does just that.  The Apostle Paul is assuring us of the basic, core hope we have when he says, “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (v. 1)

This sermon is about what God has done through Christ.  But first we must begin with ourselves.  We must admit that God needs to save us because we cannot justify ourselves.  Weak, sinful, and ungodly is not how we want to see ourselves.  Frankly, we want to see ourselves just the opposite.  It starts young.

In Nevada there is a school system that is changing the grading system so no one fails.  If you get A’s and B’s you are “extending.” C students are “developing.”  Those who should get an F are “emerging.”  In this school system you only succeed.  You are only described in positive terms.  That is how we want to see ourselves – as adults too.  But that is not how God sees us.  Not strong and emerging, but weak and sinful.  So we need the message today . . .


We have always had some controversy in our country over the posting of the 10 Commandments in our courtrooms.  But imagine sitting in God’s courtroom with Him as the judge and the 10 Commandments boldly plastered on the wall behind Him.  You stand before Him and he reads the 2nd commandment, “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.”  No use of four letter words.  No carelessly saying or typing on your phone “Oh God” in the middle of a sentence.  No calling another a nasty name because you are angry.  Just the commandment staring you in the face, saying, “Did you keep me all of the time?” and God asking “How do you plead?”  Not in the positive even if you went to school in Nevada, “guilty as charged.”

Let’s try another one, say, “You shall not steal”?  No greed. No anxiety over money.  No buying stuff on yourself and not being generous to others.  Just the commandment staring you in the face saying, “Did you keep me all the time?” and God asking, “How do you plead?”  Not good, just guilty.  Just weak, ungodly and sinful.  No we don’t want to be in God’s courtroom where His justice would declare us to be unloving, helpless, deserving of God’s punishment.  That’s basic.

But we are not in His courtroom.  We are in His house, his church.  We are in the one place where we remember that the greatest injustice of all time has saved us from God’s punishment.  Here in the church we do not stare at God’s Law and wilt under our guilt.  No, we also see Jesus’ cross and rejoice in our justification.  That’s basic.

Remember that dark Thursday night and Jesus has gone to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray.  As the disciples awake, Jesus is arrested and he is going to trial.  The court is hastily convened.  People come forward but their charges do not agree.  Jesus is innocent.  Here is the one person inherently good and strong and godly and sinless.  No charge can stick against Him except one that is trumped up.  So an injustice is perpetuated and Jesus is sentenced to die.

Yet justice is served when Jesus is nailed to the cross – God’s justice.  Our breaking of the Ten Commandments could not be simply excused.  No, someone had to die.  Someone had to take the eternal punishment, and that someone is Jesus.  Our sin and His death combine on a cross and God’s justice is satisfied.  We are justified in God’s sight as Jesus holds onto us as our only hope.  He is the only reason for our rejoicing when we stand before God on Judgment Day.

Reader’s Digest years ago had a story about Bill who had donated 100 pints of blood.  What Bill did was kind and generous but here is what he said, “When the final whistle blows and St. Peter asks, ‘What did you do?’  I’ll just say, ‘Well, I gave 100 pints of blood, that ought to get me in.’”  A writer by the name of Joe McKeever made this comment about Bill, “Bill was probably joking.  But if he was serious…if Bill is counting on the giving of 100 pints of blood to get him to heaven, he is trusting in the wrong blood.”  Our faith is in Jesus, because His blood shed on the cross justifies us.  That’s basic to what we believe.

When you go back to the basics – that we are weak, ungodly, and sinners, yet justified because God’s love in shown in Jesus, who, at just the right time, died for us – it makes a difference in how we feel.  We rejoice.  It makes a difference in what we do.  We endure when we suffer, even more; we become people of character and hope.  We love and live for Jesus.  And it makes a huge difference in what we know.  It is deep and mysterious, yet our faith holds on to one basic truth:  God’s love was shown when Jesus stretched out his arms as wide as they could go and He died for us so that we might live.

“Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”  Yes, it is good to go back to the basics.


Sermon Text for Sunday, February 18, 2018: “Passing the Test.”

February 18, 2018                                                                Text:  James 1:12-18


Dear Friends in Christ,


When Francisco Franco was leading the revolution in Spain, he originated the phrase “the fifth column.”  He was trying to capture Madrid.  He said that he had four columns marching on the city, one from the north, one from the south, one from the east, and one from the west.  And most important of all, he claimed that he had a “fifth column” within the city; namely the hearts of the people of Madrid.  In this way, the city was being attacked from every conceivable angle.  This is like the Christian life.

As children of God we are attacked from all angles.  Living in this world we are part of the Church at war.  Our flesh and blood is not immune to trials and temptations.  Daily the devil is giving a test as he makes it his business to destroy our soul.  Like Madrid, we are being attacked on every side and even from within.  Can we remain steadfast under trial so that we can receive the crown of life?  How are you doing when it comes to . . .


For most of us “passing the test” takes us to school and the exams given by our teachers.  How did you do on those?  Were you a good test taker?  Did you struggle to pass?  Did you always prepare to the best of your ability?

Most of my academic career I did pretty well on tests.  If the teacher covered just what was on the test and gave good notes I was spot on with my answers.  I could even visualize where I had the answer written in my notes.  But I remember two instances where that was not the case.  They were years apart.

The first one occurred in 2nd grade math.  We studied the less than and more than symbols.  Today it seems so easy but back then I either didn’t pay attention or didn’t comprehend.  Anyway, I can still remember taking the test and just guessing.  What an awful feeling.  I was completely lost.

Do you ever feel like that in your trials and tests that come at you on a daily basis?  You’re lost.  You don’t know where to turn.  Less than, more than, Lord I need you help!

God is using these trials and tests to strengthen our faith.  Few Christians seem to get stronger during the easy times.  The tough times move us closer to God.  When we are lost then we are found.  You know that is God’s amazing grace.  Grace that can help us to pass the test.  Grace that provides the answers.  Grace that gives an A when we deserve an F.  It is not deserved, but a loving heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ provides it.

Because you see this Jesus knows a thing or two about tests.  Life tests.  From booted out of his hometown to having nowhere to lay his head to arrest, trial, beatings, nailings, a crown of thorns, a spear in the side.  He suffered beyond what we can imagine.  Yet, He always had his eyes on his Heavenly Father to sustain him during the tests.  He was the obedient child of God who passed the test and gave hope for you and I.

The second test I remember struggling at was in college at ISU.  In high school I only took one year of science because that was not a strong area for me.  In my general education studies at ISU I had to take two science courses.  I read the catalog and got into a class I thought sounded interesting.  Man, was I wrong.  The first day the professor said that the class was a beginning physics class.  Ouch, I thought to myself.  Each day I went to class the farther into the wilderness of confusion I did traverse.  Five weeks in – the first test.  I was a kid again back in 2nd grade math.  Confusion reigned and my answers reflected that.  The grade was what I expected.  Thank God for the grace of Illinois State University.  I could drop the class and not have it affect my GPA.  The academic leaders understood.

Christ also understands.  He knows that what we see as interesting and enticing can be our undoing.  We wade into the jungle and before we even know it the lion is about to devour us.  Our own desires of what we can handle get in our way.  We are dazed and confused in the midst of a test taken.

Christ overcomes all of this for us.  In the Gospel we see the perfect gift of his sinless life.  In the command to sacrifice Isaac and the ram’s death in his place, the Father foreshadowed his Son as our sacrifice – the good and perfect death, enduring the death we owe for our sin.

The Father gives you new birth into Christ.  By the Word of truth, the Gospel, you are born into a new life.  The perfect life of Christ has been given to you.  You are the A+ student.  The supreme test taker because you have been reborn in Baptism.  Your life of obedience is sustained in word, and body and blood shed for you and finally deliverance from this broken world.  Your diploma is “the crown of life” given as a gift by the Father through Christ.

So, don’t fear the tests.  Through Christ your Savior you are at the head of the class.  The favored pu

Sermon Text for February 4, 2018.

February 4, 2018                                                                   Text:  Job 7:1-7


Dear Friends in Christ,


Have you ever had the experience of the wind being knocked out of you?  When I was a freshman running back a pass pattern was called one day in practice where I was to drag across the middle.  I ran the route but before the pass could arrive I was lit up by a sophomore linebacker.  The breath in my body was sent twenty yards down the field and that moment of panic set in where you can’t catch your breath.  I still remember that hit.

Has something similar happened to you?  Maybe not a hit in football or a hard fall to the ground but it is asthma you suffer from.  The air is restricted from getting to your lungs and you need an inhaler or nebulizer or medication.  If you have struggled to breathe or have watched someone with this condition it can cause you discomfort and an uneasy feeling.

In our text for this morning Job is literally knocked breathless.  He speaks the words we can all speak . . .


The life test that Job experiences has laid him flat.  His children have all died, interestingly enough as we will see by wind that knocked down the house they were all in.  His property has been destroyed and Job has been afflicted with sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.  Job is “short of breath” as he tries to deal with what is before him.  In our text he uses words like “futility”, “night drags on”, “toss till dawn”, “clothed with worms and scabs”, “skin is broken and festering”, “an end without hope.”

What experiences in our lives may bring similar feelings?  A loved one with a terminal disease.  The loss of a job and income.  We also share experiences as a congregation.  A family that we see goes through one challenge after another.  The sudden death of a member or the death of children.  It’s a punch to the gut or running into a wall.  Breath literally leaves our body.

Even deeper than the physical wounds and tragedies is the breathlessness of our spirit.  These are the times when the people of God are gasping for breath in the temptations of this world, the hopelessness that surrounds us in our sin and guilt and the big squeeze of Satan, who is looking to knock both breath and life from our very soul.

God remembers our need while we may have our focus on our troubles.  God is not aloof in heaven.  He established a connection with us in Baptism.  In these grace-giving waters He breathed into our body and soul the life breath of eternity.  By His Spirit he enlivened our being and grew our faith.  He allows us in this life to breathe in His life, to breathe in His forgiveness, and to breathe in His Gospel.

God also remembers our need.  Look at how He interacted with Job.  In our total breathlessness He speaks to us and breathes life into our whole being.

Christ is our life-breath.  He took the breath of the air of this world into his holy and perfect lungs.  It was a stagnant, sinful, and toxic air.  The Lord of life went to the cross and exhaled life itself.  Then in His resurrection He offered to us mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to breathe forgiveness and life into our soul.

We are privileged to reside in the iron lung of our Lord God – the church – receiving in His Word and Sacraments his very breath of life.  Our Lord speaks clearly, “out with the bad and in with the good.”

Remember earlier when I mentioned Job’s children were destroyed by the wind?  There are other instances in Scripture where air and wind caused problems but have you ever thought how many times breath-wind-spirit was used in a positive God-ordained way in the Holy Bible?

The breath of life into the lifeless clay of man at creation.  The wind that brings salvation at the banks of the Red Sea.  The wind and spirit that brings life to dead bones in the vision of Ezekiel.  The Spirit breathing on the disciples as they are sent by Jesus.  The breath of divine forgiveness in a world of sin.  The Spirit-wind that rushed through the dwelling.  The apostles themselves on the first Pentecost bursting forth from the exhalation.

Job thought he would never see happiness again but that is not the case.  He was blessed with double property and joy returned as seven sons and three daughters were born.  His life like ours is but a breath.  Breathe deeply the life-breath of our Lord and Savior.  Breathe deeply, for so many want to squeeze the life from you.  Breathe deeply the breath of the almighty and life-giving God.  A risen and breathing Savior Jesus Christ, who by his Spirit has breathed into our being the breath of life for all eternity.


Sermon Text for Sunday, January 28, 2018: “Raises Up A Prophet.”

January 28, 2018                                                       Text: Deuteronomy 18:15-20


Dear Friends in Christ,


Those of us of a more vintage generation may remember the kids game Telephone.  You would sit in a circle on the floor; a person would whisper a message into the ear of the person sitting next to them.  It would go all the way around the circle.  Even if people were trying to be faithful to the first message, most of the time by the time it got to the last person it was something completely different.

In this generation it could be texting or facebook or twitter.  As the message gets passed on it changes and usually not for the better.  People embellish or change the words to fit their agenda.

In our text for today, Moses, the man God has used for the last forty years to pass along his words, is about to die.  So the question is:  whom should they listen to now?  Would the Word so faithfully passed on by Moses still be passed on faithfully to future generations, even ours?  To whom should we listen?

God gives us the answer today when He . . .


As with Moses, we must listen to this prophet.  Moses warned of many false prophets – fortune telling and consulting the dead were all ways the people were seeking a word from the gods to get an advantage in life.  Today it would equate to horoscopes or Ouija boards or séances.  But it could also be the slick Pastor down the street proclaiming such false teachings as giving your heart to Jesus, accepting Jesus in your heart or believe in Jesus and you will prosper.

They may be sincere and believe what they are passing on is faithful, but either way, words not from our Lord are false and dangerous.  Do we really want to give Jesus our heart, which at times is cold and uncaring?  Scripture is clear that it is Christ who has first chosen us; we didn’t ask Him onto our hearts! (Jn. 15:16)  And the promise of prosperity.  How does that square with people struggling to pay the mortgage, keeping the heat turned on and feeding their family?

God raised up a prophet and He is Jesus.  Every Word He speaks is God’s Word.  Moses clearly had Jesus in view even though He wouldn’t come for another 1,400 years.  Jesus’ earthly ministry demonstrated that he was the very Son of God.  This morning’s Gospel is evidence of that.  Jesus spoke with such authority.

Just a few weeks ago at the Baptism of Jesus, God the Father announced that all were to listen to His Son.  We listen to Him because He is the way of salvation.  He has the words of truth.  He has the words of eternal life.  He has the Word of faith.  No other prophet but Jesus was raised up to free an entire world from sin, to proclaim eternal life to all believers.

As with Moses we can listen to this prophet.  Israel asked for God to speak to them through someone they could receive.  Jesus is God but He is also our brother.  He speaks to us gently, lovingly, in way we can hear.  He can only do that because that voice once cried out in agony on a cross.  That sacrifice reconciled us to God and we can approach Jesus.  Jesus’ words from the cross “It is finished!” are the words we most want to hear.  God raising Jesus from the dead is His Word to us that we are forgiven.  We still hear the Word today when Scripture is read, the Absolution is pronounced and we receive Christ’s body and blood at this altar.

What do you think is the most efficient item in and around your house, especially when compared to the price?  I thought about this and did the math.  We have had two dryers, two refrigerators, three hot water heaters, numerous toasters and a myriad of vehicles.  Our furniture has changed, mattresses don’t last forever.  As I stated on our 25th wedding anniversary, we have had the same washer since we said, “I do.”  It is now at 26 ½ years.  Only one repair.  We paid $350.  If we ran it every day it would be over 9,000 days.  We probably have since children, but not before then.  Let’s say conservatively 8,000 days.  It costs us, taking the water and electricity out of the equation – 4 cents a wash.  Our freezer is even better.  We have had it for over 5,000 days at a cost of $125.  That is 2 cents a day.  But the winner at our house is the microwave.  It was a gift from my vicarage congregation back in 1990.  It sits proudly in the corner of our kitchen and still gives us a steaming bag of popcorn in three minutes.  What is your answer to this question?

Even with all of that being said, the most efficient item in our house and your house is – drum roll, please – your Bible!  Think of what those inspired words have done for you.  There is no price we can put on the reminder that our scarlet sins have been washed as pure as snow.  Every day since Genesis 1:1 the words have been there for man’s use and our use.  When things are inefficient we look to this most efficient resource.  It doesn’t stop working.  It saves.  It comforts.  It gives hope.  Everything will come and go but the Word of the Lord stands forever.

God raised up a prophet . . . Listen to Him.
