Sermon Text 8.8.2021 — CAN WE ALL GET ALONG?

August 8, 2021                        Text:  Ephesians 4:17 – 5:2

Dear Friends in Christ,

    Back in 1991 Rodney King was a motorist pulled over for drunk driving.  The Los Angeles police subsequently beat him and the video made of it became part of history.  The officers were acquitted in court and that led to riots in LA and elsewhere around the country.  Rodney King went on TV and uttered these famous words:  “Can we all get along?”

    The Apostle Paul is writing to the church in Ephesus this morning with that same theme.  Still relevant.  Still important.  All of his words are much needed in our society.  All of his words are things we need to hear as well.


    We have all heard these words since childhood.  Can we all get along?  Easier said than done, right?

    In 416 BC, during the war between Athens and Sparta, Athens decided to attack the neutral island of Melos.  When the Melians protested they had done Athens no wrong, the Athenians replied, “The strong do what they can; the weak suffer what they must.”  The Melians were starved into surrender.  The men were killed and the women and children sold into slavery.

    This wasn’t unusual in the ancient world.  The strong would dominate the weak.  But things began to change.  What brought about the change?  The difference was Christianity.

    It is interesting that Paul would write this Epistle.  He at one time was someone strong who oppressed the weak.  He lived it.  He had a perspective few had.  Paul came to realize that all persons were made in the image of God.  This meant every human being has worth and dignity.  The Christian further emphasized the spiritual and moral equality of all people.  We all suffer the same problem – sin.  We all are in need of the same solution – salvation through Jesus.

    Look at the old self-problems Paul points out:  darkened, alienated, hardness of heart, callous, sensual, greedy, impure.  We have to be careful we don’t start thinking, “Yes, our society has problems with all of those.”  They do.  But so do we.  We too have to put off the old self and put on the new self.  The Holy Spirit helps us with this so we can live in “the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” (v. 24)

    With our new self we strive to get along.  I don’t pretend to know all the ins and outs of all the theories being bandied about in our world.  This much is clear.  Christianity is the sole historical source of concepts now taken for granted:  human dignity – we are all made in God’s image.  Human equality – we are all one in Christ all can come to faith and be saved.  Universal human rights – these are endowed to us by our Creator God.  Everyone is important in God’s eyes.  

    How do we know this?  Because God sent Jesus to die for the sins of the whole world.  Jesus is the Savior of the nations.  Christ dying and rising again has given all humankind a hope and a future.  The Lord wants us to be His and to serve Him and one another willingly.  This is only possible because He removed the sin that separated us from Him.  Can we all get along?

    What does that look like?  Paul spells it out for us.  We speak the truth.  We control our anger.  We build people up with our talk.  We do not tear them down in person, on social media, behind their back.  We give grace to those who hear.  We let go of bitterness and malice and slander.  We are kind to one another.  We are tenderhearted.  We forgive one another just as Christ has forgiven us.  As we do these things we all get along better.  As we do these things we build each other up.  As we do these things are little corner of the world is a better place to live and raise our children.  

    The last part of our text is continued encouragement.  Imitators of God.  Walk in love.  A fragrant offering.  The Greek word for “imitator” gives us our English word, mimic.  We mimic our Heavenly Father like children mimic their parents.  Children who live in a loving home see how it’s done.  Christ how taught us to love by loving us first.  Christ has taught us how to forgive by forgiving us first.  Can we all get along?

    You have probably never been asked this question, but can people smell your goodness?  When people see you coming do they think this is going to be a good day, a good conversation, a time for a faith lift?  What attitude do you bring to this party we call life?  We need our Christian goodness to smell up everything around us.  Let it permeate those who want to divide because of their selfishness.  Let the waft of love and forgiveness stick to the minds of those who see no hope.  May the aroma of Christ, which we carry, give direction to men and women everywhere.

    Can we all get along?  Living in Christ we can.


Sermon Text 8.1.2021 — ONE

August 1, 2021 Text: Ephesians 4:1-7

Dear Friends in Christ,

Frederick B. Speakman wrote about an incident in which a veteran waitress was taking orders from a couple and their young son. The couple had specific requests regarding substitutions. Speakman wrote than when the waitress addressed the son, the son “began to order with a kind of fearful desperation. ‘I want a hot dog…’” he started. Then this: “And both parents barked at once ‘No hot dog!’ The mother went on. ‘Bring Lyonnais potatoes, beef, vegetables and a roll.’

“The waitress wasn’t even listening. She said to the youngster, ‘What do you want on your hot dog?’ He flashed an amazed smile. ‘Ketchup, lots of ketchup – and bring a glass of milk.’

“’Coming up,’ she said as she turned from the table, leaving behind the stunned silence of utter parental dismay. The boy watched her go before he turned to his father and mother with astonished elation to say, ‘You know what? She thinks I’m real! She thinks I’m real.’”

We might not agree with the way the waitress handled it but it makes a point. God sees us as real. We are His. At the beginning of the Book Ephesians it says that God chose us before the creation of the world. Imagine that. It was His will to choose us. He has made us His through faith in Christ. As our text says, “you have been called.” Let’s not complicate this topic. Let’s keep it simple.


When Paul wrote this epistle he was in prison. He had offended the Jewish leaders who hung onto their laws and traditions that were contrary to salvation in Christ alone – One. Society couldn’t have someone spouting absolute truth so he had to be put behind bars.

We learn from the imprisoned Paul this morning. Did you catch all the One references? One body, One Spirit, One hope, One Lord, One faith, One baptism, One God and Father, grace given to each One. Christ’s Church is One.

We call this church the invisible church. It consists of all who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. What binds us all together? Faith in the person of Christ. Faith in His life and suffering and death and resurrection. Denominations and divisions do not destroy the unity and Oneness of Christ’s church. This Oneness transcends denominations or labels. It is a holy church.

The church is One and holy because Christ made it so. He took our unholiness, our sins, and made us holy by redeeming us on the cross. The true believers of the church are found in all denominations. We are unified in the Old and New Testament Scripture as God’s Word. We are One in our belief that Christ died to save us from sin and grant us eternal salvation. We say it again. One body, One Spirit, One hope, One Lord, One faith, One Baptism, One God and Father of us all who is all and through all.

The visible church is right before our eyes. We see a church where hypocrites and unbelievers are present. This church may have false teachers and teachings. The visible church is the church at war. I’ve said this before but it bears repeating, “It is the Christian Church on earth that has done far more damage to the church and Christianity than unbelievers or outsiders.” God would love for the visible Church to be One in doctrine and teaching, but not at the cost of forsaking the truth of His Word. Paul lifts his voice for unity. Unity of Spirit and bond of peace.

Professor Eugene F. A. Klug wrote this in his book on Church and Ministry: “Differences in doctrine, therefore, between Christian church bodies on earth cannot be a God-pleasing thing, nor is the church’s splintered condition into many denominations. The solution for this disunity and division, does not, however, lie in the direction of tolerance or allowing false teaching in the church – all of it is misguided and wrong – but in humble listening and obedient bowing before God’s Word of truth, the Sacred Scriptures. This is the posture demanded by God of every devout follower of His and of every church, be it a congregation or a larger fellowship of congregations bearing Christ’s name.”

We all have the responsibility to find a church where God’s Word and Sacraments are taught and preached in truth. This makes us One. If you can’t find that, become a missionary. Christ’s grace has been given to each One of us.

We are called to speak the truth, grow in faith toward Christ who is our Head, and move as One body, waiting together for the return of our Lord and the resurrection of all flesh. All this we believe and confess with One voice as Christ’s true Church on earth.



July 25, 2021                                                                                    Text:  Mark 6:45-56

Dear Friends in Christ,

            Have you ever had your back up against the wall?  You have that conversation with yourself that is straight out of a black and white war movie or sports movie.  “Men, we are surrounded.  We have our backs against the wall but we are not going down without a fight.  Who is with me?  All right, let’s go!”  Except in your conversation you stand there terrified.  “Cancer?  It can’t be?”  “He wants a divorce?”  “What did you just tell me about my child?”  “You can’t let me go, I need this job.”

            We are with the disciples this morning and they too have their backs against the wall.  What can be done?  Will it be an inspiring speech or will we see some action? 


            Let’s get going.  “Immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd.  And after he had taken leave of them, he went up on the mountain to pray.  And when evening came, the boat was out on the sea, and he was alone on the land.” (v. 45-47)

            Thousands of people had just been fed and they were satisfied.  This caused them to run after Jesus because they wanted more.  They wanted to make Jesus an earthly king so the Lord and his disciples had to get going.

            Jesus goes to pray.  These 12 men board their own charter.  We are the disciples as we scatter into our own boat or boats.  Where’s Jesus?  Here and there.  Or we give the standard Lutheran answer – “He is in the Word and Sacraments.”  Good job.  Come on up, I will put a star on your paper.  You are correct.  But what about times of sorrow?  What about those times are backs are against the wall?  Is the Lord there?  Does He care what is happening to me?  And if He does, why is He taking so long?

            Listen to David in Psalm 69:  “Save me, O God!  For the waters have come up to my neck.  I sink in deep mire, where there is no foothold; I have come into deep waters, and the flood sweeps over me.  I am weary with my crying out; my throat is parched.  My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God.” (v. 1-3)

            “Waters have come up to my neck.”  Ever have something flooding your life?  Your home or church the last few weeks?  Stress, conflict, upheaval and no foothold.  No foundation.  Nothing of certainty.  Have you been there…at least momentarily?

            As the Lord’s people we cry for help all the time.  If we believe that Christ’s Kingdom is not of this world, then neither is ours.  Our ultimate Kingdom is with Him in heaven.  Entering into eternal life takes us from our troubles.  He finds a way out for us.  He moves through “our backs against the wall” moments and He provides the strength.

            Let’s recall Joseph from the Old Testament this morning.  Siblings who thought it would be fun to sell him into slavery.  Then Potiphar’s wife falsely accuses him of sexual harassment and he ends up in prison.  His back was against four walls as he is left to die.  And God allowed it to happen.  But the Lord intervenes and as fast as you can say, “Interpret my dreams” Joseph becomes 2nd in command to the King of Egypt.

            Do you recall the words Joseph spoke to his brother’s years later?   These same neophytes who wanted him dead.  “I am your brother, Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt.  And now do not be distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life?” (Gen. 45:4-5)

            Where is God sending you?  Do you need to forgive a sibling who got the tea set mom promised you?  Is there someone who put you against a wall, but they repented, and you need to release them?  God has a design.  We get into a boat – a situation – and we need the Lord.  He delivers.  He works it for His purpose.  He works all things to the good.  He does all of this to draw us to Christ and everlasting salvation.

            “He saw they were that they were making headway painfully, for the wind was against them…He immediately spoke to them and said, ‘Take heart; it is I.  Do not be afraid.’  And he got into the boat with them, and the wind ceased.” (v. 48, 50)

            Here is our Lord again.  In the midst of our storms.  Like our church sign says,  “Need a lifeguard?  Jesus, our Savior, walks on water.”  Christ’s forgiving love is always there for us. 

            Do you see him when your back is against the wall?  Or is our faith so confused that we think He ought to put us on easy street?  Keep us from problems?  Never let wind or wave bother us?  Always hear, “you are in perfect health.”  That we will never have to be put in a position of having to declare to those who hate Jesus, “I believe?”

            How do we understand it . . . when our backs are against the wall?


Sermon Text 7.11.2021 — Solving the Mystery

July 11, 2021                                                                         Text:  Ephesians 1:3-14

Dear Friends in Christ,

            Do you all know the mystery board game Clue?  Invented by an Englishman years ago and still played today.  The object of the game was to solve a murder.  You did this by deciphering clues until you think you had the killer, the weapon and the room it occurred in.  You then announce, “I’ve solved it.”  You look at the answer:  Col. Mustard with the lead pipe in the library.  If those are the three cards then you win.  If not, you are out of the game.  If you just get part of the answer you are perplexed.  “Professor Plum, I was sure it was Col. Mustard.”

            It is fun to solve a mystery.  With 6 characters, 6 weapons, and 9 rooms there are 324 possible answers in the game of Clue.  Did you ever consider the greatest selling book of all time is a mystery?  The Bible.  The Bible tells the story of the wicked twists and turns of Satan and sinful humanity.  Meanwhile, God’s twists and turns exceed those of the evil one as He plots the devil’s destruction and carries it out on a cross.  We marvel at how the love of God is revealed.

            We know ahead of time how this mystery ends.  Ordinarily, when we know the solution, we’re done with the “who done it.”  But not this one.  This mystery captivates us even when we know how it comes out.


            Today let’s relish the mystery of God’s love in Christ.  The mystery is kept hidden from unbelievers and we cannot solve it on our own for these reasons:  We are sinners divorced from God and in disharmony with our fellow human beings, and that makes it a mystery as to how God could ever love us.  We close our eyes and minds to God.  We turn away from godly deeds.  An elementary deduction, wouldn’t you say?  We cannot comprehend the mind and will of God.

            Jesus has revealed the mystery.  He is the solution.  Verse 9 says, “making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ.”  Jesus kept his eyes on the Father and did His will.  He sacrificed for those of us who deserved only punishment.  He and the Father are One.  He didn’t purchase us with gold or silver but with his holy, precious blood and innocent suffering and death.  That is how the mystery came out – Jesus on the cross giving His life – it is a happy ending, we’ve read the clues, won the game, received the crown of life.

            This is a mystery we can tell others about.  We are not spoiling the fun.  We are proclaiming the great deeds of our Savior.  We want to spread the message of this newfound harmony with God.  The mystery of God’s will is our salvation and we want to focus others on the source of this salvation.  We have been chosen by God, predestined for adoption through Jesus Christ.  We have the riches of His grace.  We desire Christ’s blessings of Word and Sacrament.  In a profound mystery, the Holy Spirit demonstrates His work in us.  We use our gifts to tell about the gift.  No need to wait for the end of the novel or the movie. 

            In my junior year of high school I was in a drama class.  We were divided into four groups of 7 people and were given the task of writing, producing, directing and acting in a one-act play that would last 15-20 minutes.  The group I was in was assigned a mystery.  Somehow, we pulled it off.  We wrote a “Columbo” type of detective story that was interesting and funny.  That morning I had broken my finger while pitching and I spent the afternoon in the emergency room.  I made it to the production just a half hour before we were to go on.  A day I won’t forget.  We had wonderful collaboration and a great story.  The mystery was solved and we brought some joy to people’s lives.

            Do you see yourselves in this great story presented to us today?  You are part of the plot.  You come to the production with your own injuries.  Maybe you get there just in time.  This mystery isn’t about someone else.  This is our story.  Christ died for you so that you might live.  Christ lives for you that you might die to sin.  Christ removes your worries and gives you peace. 

            This is the mystery:  “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us.”  This is also the solution, for “in him,” we “become the righteousness of God.”  (2 Cor. 5:21)


Sermon Text 7.4.2021 — Is the Power of Christ in our Weakness?

July 4, 2021                                                                            Text:  2 Corinthians 12:1-10

Dear Friends in Christ,

            Have you ever had to list or describe your strengths and weaknesses?  Job interview?  Entrance to college?  In conversation?  With your therapist?  As a Pastor we do a self-evaluation tool that we fill out that churches see if they want to call us. 

Which one is easier for you?  Strengths . . . or . . . weaknesses? 

            In our culture weak is bad and strength is good.  On this July 4th we don’t shoot off fireworks because we are an inferior nation.  We celebrate because we have freedom and the strongest military in the world.  Because of who we are as Americans we try to cover our weaknesses.

            St. Paul says in our text that he can boast in weakness.  Huh?  Let’s see if that is true . . .


            We could give a sermon today where we kind of skirt the issue.  You know talk in generalities about strengths and weaknesses and not try to pontificate on Paul’s “thorn in the flesh.”  We could do that but that is not what you expect from your Pastor in a sermon.  Let’s actually see an example of the power of Christ in our weakness.

            One of my strengths is self-evaluation.  Like Paul I know my weaknesses and the “thorn in the flesh” that has caused me the most grief in life.  This comes as no surprise to our friends from Shawnee, Kansas here this morning or to many of you but the answer is my competitiveness.  What is interesting about this weakness is that at times it’s a strength.

            Paul knew this.  He needed no annual review.  He could be proud of what he accomplished.  Intelligent.  A way with words.  Preaching to thousands.  That can all go to your head.  But his background and “thorn the flesh” kept him humble.  In his weakness he could boast about Christ crucified.  This ailment was annoying.

            Ever had a splinter?  Bothersome.  They can get infected.  At our house Dr. Lueck would go to work with needle, tweezers and someone holding a flashlight.  The thorn in the flesh would be removed.

            Paul is talking about something a little more serious.  Was it opposition to his ministry?  A temptation he couldn’t overcome?  A physical problem?  It was a serious impediment because Paul prayed three times to God to remove it. 

            Paul felt it a distraction and he would be better off without it.  But God saw it differently.  God knows if nothing every goes wrong in our lives, why would we need Him?  We’d think we could make it on our own.

            I’ve been competitive as far as I know since birth.  It has at times been a distraction.  Turning over the Candyland game when losing to my sister.  Technical fouls in basketball.  Umpires and coaches and parents and loved ones giving me lectures.  I know how I got to this point.  It was ingrained in me when my uncle, now a District President in the LCMS, was studying to be a Pastor and he lived with us during my junior high years.  He and his seminary buddies were competitive.  I would play basketball with them and they would slap the walls and react to missed shots.  My thoughts:  these guys were going to be Pastors!  I had never seen this from my own Pastor.  It made an impression.

            These thorns in the flesh cannot be dug out with needle and tweezers.  They are there because we are weak, sinful people living in fallen world.  Can you relate?

            Jesus Christ, the Son of God, put on our weak human form to make the payment demanded for sin.  Jesus humbled Himself.  Born of woman, He became weak.  Weak enough to die.  Paul said in 1 Corinthians that the world saw the cross as weak and foolish.  Even in weakness, God is stronger than man’s strength.  Jesus accomplished what no weak man or woman could.  He made atonement, paid for our sins.  The thorns on his head and the spikes holding Him to the cross won our salvation.  In becoming weak, Christ conquered Satan and sin for all time.  On Easter, He defeated death for each of us, once and for all.

            Let’s get back to our sermon question.  Paul writes in verse 9, “But he (The Lord) said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’  Therefore I will boast more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”  Paul’s weakness in some ways helped his ministry.  He stayed humble.  He stayed focused.  He let the message of Christ dominate and He never took His blessings for granted.

            My weakness as I said can be a strength.  By making everything a competition, the Holy Spirit helps me stand strong in God’s Word.  It gives a voice when needed.  I’m not afraid to mix it up if that is what is called for.  Then two things have happened in the last few years.  People who have competed with me or seen me at games have remarked how this competitive nature has let them see this weakness and how they appreciate that I am a human being.  Things come full circle because these comments came from young men studying to become Pastor’s.

            So yes the power of Christ is in our weakness.  He can use it for His good.  Like Paul, we all want to do better in our weakness.  But our amazing Savior uses even this for His glory.  “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect – perfect – in weakness.”


Sermon Text 6.27.2021 — Great is God’s Faithfulness

June 27, 2021                                                                                  Text:  Lamentations 3:22-33

Dear Friends in Christ,

            Between 1931 and 1935, the Hoover Dam was constructed.  If you walk along the dam you can see the dam’s face on one side and Lake Mead on the other.  The combination of power and productivity is seen clearly.

            What do you notice about the timing of its construction?  It was built during the Depression.  Men traveled from all over to work on this project – 47 different states in all – and we only had 48 then.  Out of national suffering came what was the tallest dam at the time and the largest hydroelectric plant in the world.  In the midst of suffering, people saw great power and wonderful work.

            Our text for this morning offers a glimpse of God’s great power and work in the midst of suffering.  Israel has been exiled to Babylon; Jerusalem has had a siege against her with her walls and temple torn down.  We then get this voice of lament.  In the middle of the book is an amazing revelation about God’s faithfulness.  Let’s meditate on this text and see that in the midst of our suffering . . .


            When we suffer, our grief has many voices.  The same is true of Scripture.  The Book of Lamentations has five laments with each one being different.  Our text is part of the third lament. 

            This third lament is personal.  It is the cry of a man who has seen suffering.  He has seen people exiled.  He has seen God’s judgment on his people.  The man is grief stricken over what he has observed.

            His grief is such that he speaks about God not to God.  He can’t speak to God because physically, mentally, emotionally, this man has experienced the judgment of God and reached the point where his endurance and his hope from the Lord have perished. 

            Have you ever gotten to that point?  The suffering is so overwhelming that you figure God isn’t listening, so why bother?  The hurt so intense that the Creator can’t do anything for me?  You lament your troubles and internalize them until you are ready to burst and not in a positive way.

            The man in our text is there but what we see in Lamentations is what the man remembers.  The love of God never ceases.  His mercies never end.  The Lord is the portion he can put his hope in.  God restores this relationship and the man can speak to God rather than about Him.  The man says, “Great is yourfaithfulness.” (v. 23)  Not great is God’s faithfulness.  Great is your faithfulness.  God is not going to forsake His covenant.  He comes near to the man in faithfulness and love.

            What do people do today?  They read God according to their lives.  God’s love is measured by their life experiences.  If God has delivered them from suffering, then He is powerful.  If God has blessed business or family then He is loving.  If life begins to break down, however, so does their God.  The rabble-rousers of our world fall into this category.  They may not believe in God or the church but who gets the vile words spilled against them?  They lament against others and God because someone has to take the blame.  Why are they so angry and hateful?  Because they are not comfortable with who they are.  They need our prayers.

            There are times we may not be comfortable with ourselves.  But we don’t waver in faith because of life experiences.  We hope in God because He is love and compassion and mercy and faithfulness.  In the life, death and resurrection of Jesus God showed all of these traits.  In love, He died for you.  In compassion, he sympathizes with your weaknesses.  In mercy, He forgives your sin.  In faithfulness, He is always with you to the very end.  It is all of that that brought you here today and will go home with you.

            There is a plaque at Hoover Dam created by Oskar J.W. Hansen to commemorate the workers who died as the dam was constructed.  It pictures the dam, and in front of it is the figure of a man.  His arms are outstretched, and he rises above the water.  Above him a symbol of the electrical power provided by the dam and then, extending outward to both sides, are stalks of wheat, clusters of grapes, gourds, and the fruits of the earth.  Across the middle of the plaque are the words, “They died to make the desert bloom.”

            This plaque calls to mind the human sacrifice involved in creating this center of power and productivity for our country.  Christians have a symbol that calls to mind an even greater sacrifice that brings greater power and productivity to all creation.  That symbol is the cross.  When Jesus stretched out his arms on the cross, He bore the sins of the world and the curse that had fallen on creation.  Dying under the burden of sin, Jesus broke its power, and rising from the dead, He brings life to all who trust in Him.  Life from death.  Joy from sorrow.  A new creation from a fallen world.  Of Him, it may truly be said, “He died to make the desert bloom.”

            Great is God’s faithfulness.                 Amen.