Sermon Text 2023.11.19 — The chief property is the Gospel

November 19, 2023         Text:  Matthew 25:14-30

Dear Friends in Christ,

How about the Powerball numbers we have been seeing?  A single winner took home, after taxes of course, $2.1 billion last year.  Do you ever fantasize about what you might do if you won Powerball or even the state lottery?  After last week’s sermon, you know what Toni and I would do!

Imagine how the slaves in Jesus’ parable must have felt.  The master entrusted each of them with a fortune and left it to them to decide what to do with it.  Dreaming about such things might help pass a few minutes, but what does it do as we live our lives today?  This is really what the parable is about.  You are about to be given something, what are you going to do with it?  You need to realize that . . . 


Some parables of Jesus can be a little hard to understand, but not this one.  A simple story with a clear message.  

This parable is usually called “The Parable of the Talents.”  We equate talent with a gift we have.  Talent in biblical times is a monetary unit.  Three servants are given sizable amounts of money.  The master gives no instruction in its use.  He goes away.  Two of the servants make more money and are commended.  One digs a hole and does nothing with the money.  He was afraid.  Afraid of losing it.  Afraid of his master.

Quite often with this sermon the preacher will talk about using our skills, our abilities etc. in a God-pleasing way.  But that is not the point here.  You see, God gives those kinds of gifts to everyone, believers and unbelievers alike.  This text is about how we use the special treasure God has given alone to his servants, the Church, for the building of His kingdom.  The most valuable gift that God entrusts to us is the message of the Gospel.  

We have a greater treasure than a lifetime of wealth.  If you and I won millions of dollars, could we even get it all spent?  The Gospel on the other hand can always be shared.  There are always going to be those apart from Christ who need to hear the message.  We never run out of opportunities.  We never tire of hearing the Gospel message.

Christ died on the cross and paid for the sins of the whole world, mine and yours.  Christ rose from the grave, and you too will rise to eternity.  You have been given the riches of the Gospel through the work of the Holy Spirit in your lives.  God’s riches are yours today and forever.  Each day you awaken to a new life in Jesus.  You have a conscience freed from the burden of guilt.  You know that because of your Baptism, each day you are caressed by the love of your Savior.

So, if the chief property is the Gospel how will we respond and use it for God’s glory?  “Hide it under a bushel no, I’m gonna let it shine.”  We don’t dig a hole and protect the gospel.  We take God’s Word and invite others to worship.  We take God’s Word and help the less fortunate.  We take God’s Word and give encouragement to a hurting friend.  We take God’s Word and pray for a co-worker suffering with a disease.  We take God’s Word and offer childcare or a ride or we offer a ministry of presence for those who are lonely.  All of this allows the Gospel to grow.  The Church becomes larger as the love of Christ permeates from our hearts.  

One of the most underrated statistics in sports is the assist.  In basketball, soccer, and hockey a good pass is just as important as making the score.  As a former point guard and even now when I play pick-up games, I get a bigger thrill out of a good pass that leads to a basket rather than making the basket.  

We see this in our text.  The servants who returned more to the master were “assisting” him.  You and I are fellow servants who assist one another.  We give and receive help from our brothers and sisters all the time.  Isn’t it beautiful to be in a congregation of servants who encourage one another and hold one another accountable – who assist one another – so that together, we might remain faithful and, when Jesus returns, enter together into the Master’s joy.

God has promised to bless our work.  The fruit is the lives of those saved by the proclamation of the saving love of Jesus Christ.  The chief property is the Gospel – share it.
