Sermon Text 2022.2.27 — Will it last?

February 27, 2022 – Transfiguration                Text:  Luke 9:28-36

Dear Friends in Christ,

    Certain things never seem to end.  Caught in a traffic jam.  Depression that won’t go away.  Then sometimes we bring our own weariness to bear when we fall into the same sinful struggles and we feel this will never end.  

    Let’s journey to a mountain today.  A trip we take every year right before the start of Lent.  Let’s frame it this way . . .


    “Now about eight days after these sayings,” and so our text begins.  Let’s rewind.  Eight days before this Peter had confessed that Jesus is the Christ.  Pretty good, but then this.  Jesus tells the disciples he would “be rejected and then killed and on the third day raised.”  Difficulty for Jesus and a challenge for them.  Jesus tells them they need to take up their cross and follow him.  “Huh?  What was that?  I might be killed.”  Not exactly an encouraging halftime speech.  Who wants that to last?  Could I get off the train right here?

    With the background set let’s progress forward and “Jesus took with him Peter and John and James and went up on the mountain to pray.” (v. 28)  Jesus is then transfigured – face altered and clothing a dazzling white.  Now a surprise appearance.  Let’s welcome Moses and Elijah to the gathering.  Two heroes of the faith from centuries past.  What are they doing?  Talking.  Chatting with the Savior.

    Let’s take note of this.  Moses and Elijah in Christ’s presence and the voice of the Father.  These were not just benefits to the disciples but to Jesus Himself.  The cross was in the distance.  Don’t you and I find comfort in talking with someone about a difficult moment?  They listen and advise or just listen and comfort.  No human being could comfort Jesus, but Moses and Elijah who stand there in heavenly glory, are able to do just that, for they serve as a reminder of what will come through Jesus, and by their presence they encourage Jesus as he moves toward the cross.  This is the first lesson in things that will last.  These two gentlemen are the proof of what Christ’s work will do for eternity.  The voice of the Father pushes the point home:  “This is my Son, my Chosen One; listen to him!” (v. 35)

    Let’s now go to the human side of the equation.  Jesus is giving these men a lesson in things that will last.  In the early twentieth century, this ad appeared in the London newspaper:  “Men wanted for hazardous journey, small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete danger, safe return doubtful.  Honor and recognition in case of success.”  A lot of people scoffed when the Antarctic explorer, Sir Ernest Shackleton, ran that ad.  Who would answer a call like that?

    Peter, John and James ran into some of those same hazards as they followed Jesus.  They are on a journey but not without hope.  There is going to be cross bearing and suffering but it will give way to great glory – which will last.

    First we have to wake these guys up.  Hey Rip Van Disciples.  They must have been surprised and what their eyes beheld.  Jesus in His glory and is that . . . Moses . . and Elijah.  Can’t be, can it?  Once they compose themselves and start processing what is before them Peter has an idea.  One we would agree with.  Let’s stay in this moment of glory.

    You have had them, haven’t you?  A moment or moments of glory?  A game winning shot in hoops.  A concert recital with all the right notes.  Beating your dad in ping-pong.  Your husband finally acknowledging your wonderful cooking.  A worship service with hundreds singing “Lift High The Cross.”  You want to stay right there.  

    This is what we see with Peter.  “I am loving this glory why don’t we construct some tents.  Lord, I don’t want to leave this mountain.  Please don’t make me go down the mountain.”  This glory can’t last.  Human glory can’t last.   Accolades fade.  The music stops.  We are left with just the memory.

    The disciples would need this memory when Jesus goes to Jerusalem.  Jesus had to come down from here so that He could be lifted up for them and for us on Mount Calvary.  There, He suffered for us so that our suffering will not last.  He died on that cross for our sinful thoughts and steps so that sin and death would not be the end for us.  He rose from the dead to proclaim the wonderful news that you and I can pass from death into life eternal.  Eternal, now there is a word and an action that will last.  

    We can begin to think our hardships will just keep going and going and going.  Jesus, our Savior and Brother, knows what that feels like.  How many times did the disciples fall asleep on the sinless Son of God?  Fellas?  Hello?  He dealt with many disappointments like those.

    But He led those men down the mountain back to the messiness of this world.  He does the same for you.  When you drift off in your faith life, He is there to pick you up.  He ensures you that your challenges won’t last.  They will come to a finish and be replaced by everlasting peace and joy in his Kingdom that knows no end.                        Amen.