February 14, 2021                                                                            Text:  2 Kings 2:1-12

Dear Friends in Christ,

            What is the hardest separation moment you have had?  The death of a close friend or relative?  A child that has gone to college or the military or moved halfway across the United States for a new job?   A mentor left at your workplace?  A divorce you never saw coming? 

            One that tears at the heartstrings were a few moments when the boys were little and I got called away for a death, a hospital call, even a meeting I had to attend.  To see them standing at the door crying or with that disappointed look in their eyes gave this Pastor an emotion that is difficult to comprehend.  If you can relate to this story you know what it is like.  I was fortunate as they got older to take them with me and the separation was lessened.

            In our Gospel lesson for this morning Christ is leading three of his inner circle to a mountain to prepare them for his death and resurrection.  He is giving them hope in the Transfiguration.  In another location across the Jordan River and many years earlier, despite the pain of separation from his master, Elijah, Elisha received a similar confidence via a spectacular display of God’s presence. 

            For our title today I am going to use a line that I share with people like the brothers and sisters at our former congregations or relatives and friends that may not be seen for awhile – if ever here on earth.  It fits our direction this morning . . .


            That line is used for people that are Christians.  It is our great hope to see them again.  But even for those of us who believe in God and His Word, separation is still a painful loss. 

            Elijah is the one man in the Bible who didn’t die.  He was literally taken to heaven and separated from Elisha.  And while Elisha knew this was going to happen he still cried when it occurred.  He mourned. 

            It can be like this for us who watch a loved one creep toward death because of cancer or other lingering illness.  We know the separation is inevitable but the end pounds the last nail in the coffin.  Even in the midst of that we know the separation is temporary.  Elisha knew that this was not a forever situation.

            Jesus’ disciples would mourn his suffering and death.  They grieve from a distance at his trial and crucifixion.  The believing women are still in sorrow at Sunday’s first light.  They all are weeping even though the Lord shared the final chapter of the story.  He told them numerous times that on the third day he would rise again. 

            Death’s sting inflicts pain on us.  We can’t make that phone call or have that conversation we had in the past.  We can’t see the joy on their face in our accomplishments or the grandchildren’s victories.  We miss them at the dinner table and next to us in the pew.  Even though death is the result of our sin, we still can have tears flow for what seems like the silliest of reasons even though we know that in Christ it is only temporary.  “If I don’t see you in this life, I’ll see you in the next.”

            God’s divine plan brings comfort and hope.  Elijah knows the comfort of God’s promises.  He goes to his final destination knowing that his crossover to heaven brings a joyous end to his times of misery and despair.  Elijah felt abandonment in life and he had Jezebel who wanted to kill him.  This man of God was resuscitated by the Lord’s angel and was shown that God had not abandoned him.  It is this quiet confidence in his destination that we see in our text.

            Elisha confidently follows his master to the end.  He knew the Master had a plan.  God revealed this truth in each stage of the journey.

            God’s glory, which we will experience some day, is on display this morning.  The chariots and horses of fire and Elisha exclaiming, “My father, my father!  The chariots of Israel and its horsemen!”  Our Lord’s transfiguration elicits awe and this from Peter, “Rabbi, it is good that we are here.  Let us make three tents, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.”  Even our Lord’s greatest manifestation of glory on the cross, which takes away the permanent sting of death and sin, caused at least one man to declare, “Surely this man was the Son of God!” (Mk. 15:39)

            As a result of Christ’s victory over sin, death, and the devil, the company of heaven broke out in jubilant song.  When reunited with one another and in the visible presence of Almighty God day and night, they never stopped saying, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.” (Rev. 4:8)

            One day we join that heavenly chorus – no tryouts needed.  One day we celebrate the eternal reunion of all believers in Christ and with our loving and gracious God.  One day the promise we hear in church and read in our Bible will be our reality.  Home at last.  But until then remember . . . “If I Don’t See You In This Life, I’ll See You In The Next.”
