Pastor’s Notes February 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

            Sometime during the last week of December 2019 someone in our house decided to have cauliflower for supper.  This odorous, vile food stunk up our house.  Something had to be done.  A plan had to be executed.  Noses and eyes were at stake.  What to do?

            The one female in our home had purchased a candle for the holidays.  The scent – cocoa cream.  Ahh…the aroma.  The sweetest smell of any candle I have had the pleasure of breathing into my nostrils.  It was time to act.  The cauliflower smell was spreading and we could not let it reach the neighbors!

            I took the candle around the house and the cleansing was beginning.  We live in a bi-level home and the stench had made its way to our entryway.  I placed the candle on the floor of our entryway and I just sat there on the stairs staring at the flame.  The fragrance of the air in our home was starting to change.

            As I sat there I thought about fire.  It is one of God’s creation’s that is both a blessing and a curse.  We use fire every worship service to remind us of the light of Christ.  Christmas Eve is always special with everyone holding a lighted candle and singing Christmas hymns.  Fire can warm us around a campfire, cook our food and a fireplace can accent a room and give us a warm, cozy feeling.

            But fire can also ravage and cause destruction.  We see wildfires in our country and around the world.  If you’ve ever watched a home or building burn you know how quickly fire can turn lives upside down.  Fire can cover up crimes.  The biggest serial arsonist in the United States was a Lutheran who was turned in by his family in the Seattle area.  He had a sick fascination with fire.

            In God’s Holy Word, the word “fire” is used throughout the Old and New Testament.  Fire is consuming and devouring and kindled against.  Fire is associated with hell and is unquenchable.  There is even a “lake of fire” in the Book of Revelation. 

            In Scripture fire is also noted positively.  Numerous times God was in the flames when He talked with people.  “A pillar of fire” led the Israelites through the night.  The Holy Spirit and fire are synonymous.  Jude writes, “save others by snatching them out of the fire.”  That is what our Lord does for us.  He suffered the fires of hell on our behalf. 

            I thought of it this way that night on the stairs.  The Lord Jesus took away the stench (sorry cauliflower lovers) and the fire of destruction and left us with a bouquet of cocoa cream candles.  Breathe it in!

In Christ, Pastor