Pastor’s Notes November 2019

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

            Do you know what binge-watching is?  It is the act (though you hardly move) of watching episodes of a TV show one right after another after another.  Recent research is showing that 50% of viewers in their 20’s binge-watch weekly.  More in-depth research on this subject also shows that binge-watching is correlated to depression, loneliness, obesity, and loss of self-control.

            What is the escape?  What is the fascination?  What is missing in people’s lives that they need to make television and/or show their best friend?  What need is being fulfilled? 

            There is another place to look for drama (Cain and Abel, Moses and the Exodus, Noah and the Flood, the Crucifixion/Resurrection narrative, the story of Stephen, the Life of Paul and Abraham and Isaac.)  You can also find comedy (Peter is always good for a laugh, we can find humor in the other disciples, Jonah’s story, the Tower of Babel, Sarah.)  What about irony?  (The Book of Proverbs, what seems good is bad, what seems bad is good, you want to call Who into ministry?) 

            Binge-read, binge-listen (there are audio tapes of the Holy Scriptures), binge-watch the greatest script ever produced.  The ultimate director, the biggest stars, breath-taking locations and oh the stories.  It’s historical and provocative.  It’s timeless and contemporary.  Do you ever stop to think how much of life revolves around the Bible?  Major holidays, 1/7 of our days set aside for worship, commerce, rules of law, sayings and words we use in everyday conversation, prayer and devotional life, family, and salvation. 

            Written years ago but we read it and we are inspired.  We say things like, “That is just what I needed.”  “Those words of hope gave me the strength to go on.”  “Where would I be without my faith?”

            Fill your life with the Lord and His Words.  They were written just for you.

In Christ,
