Pastor’s Notes October 2019

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I was recently watching a game show from the 1980’s and the lady won a golf prize.  The host asks, “Do you like golf?”  She says, “Yes.”  The host then asks, “Does your husband like golf?”  She remarks, “Yes he does and that’s why I like golf – it gets him out of the house!”

We all like our space, don’t we?  At our house when somebody is suppose to be gone for a certain amount of time and they return early, invariably the person sitting at home will ask, “What are you doing home already?”  The early bird returns said volley with sarcasm, “Thanks for the love!” or some other witty comeback.  Isn’t this what we love about being in families.

We all need space but it is getting harder and harder to find it in our ever evolving world.  We all made comments this summer on how crowded the interstates are getting.  Drive around town for any length of time and it seems as if people are everywhere.  Maybe that takes you to a crowded office or a school with kids and staff everywhere.

Notice in Scripture how many times the crowds surrounded Jesus.  By the lake, in the temple, walking along the road, greeting him on Palm Sunday, at His trial.  For the last three years of His life the disciples were always there as well.  “Can’t you guys go play golf!”

Jesus’ alone time gave him time to think and pray and ponder.  Isn’t it great just to ponder once in a while?  The Savior could then prepare His heart and mind for what was coming.

In this month we also remember another who prepared his heart and mind for what was coming – Martin Luther.  At times he was with the crowds but at other times he was imprisoned or would find time in a room by himself.  Most scholars believe he also spent a lot of time in the bathroom – another great place to think!  What did he ponder?  Who he was under the cross.  A poor, sinful human being in need of rescue.  He saw that he couldn’t save himself, there was no way out.  He had to turn to the Savior.  He had to trust in the mercy and grace and love of Jesus Christ.

He was alone, but not really.  Our Lord was with him the whole time.  You need your space but no matter where you are the Lord is with you.  He loves you and cares for you and is an ever-present help.

In Christ,
