Pastor’s Notes June 2019

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

            I just completed another sermon and now it is time to write my newsletter article.  I am very organized and ahead of the curve when it comes to my sermons.  I plan them out a month in advance (with appropriate hymns) and this month I even had two of them done by Monday (this week it’s Wednesday.)

            These articles not so much.  In the office we comment on how these dates for the newsletter sneak up on us.  Already?  Didn’t we just put together the May newsletter?  Fleeting moments passing by.  What will I write about?  While typing the sermon that I just completed the Lord again came through with an idea.  Don’t you like that about Him?  Let’s see if you like it as much as He sent it.

            I type on the computer a lot.  Sermons and letters and newsletter articles and hymn choices and worship folder items and bulletin announcements.  When you do that much typing you are bound to make a few mistakes.  I do.  I just did in the sermon.  What I noticed is that I make the correction as I go along.  It comes naturally to me.  Probably because I learned on a typewriter (look it up millennial and younger on your phone where you do most of your typing).  I was taught in typing class (yes, they had those!) to correct my mistake when I made it – white out, eraser.  I still bring that to the computer.  I have been blessed to be a good speller, so that is not usually the problem.  Punctuation – sometimes.  The computer does not always like my style of writing.  The red lines prove it. 

            The amazing part is how quickly the correction can happen.  Backspace, correct and boom you are off and typing again.  I still check things at the end and I appreciate the ease compared to what it used to be.  See I am evolving!

            How about you?  Correct as you go or make mistakes and clean them up at the end.  I believe those who like things right and in order in life are the correct as you go.  Those who clean up at the end are those who love the technology, aren’t bothered by mistakes or figure there is time, chill, why be in a rush.  I would love your feedback as I put my sociology minor to use.

            No matter which way you do it, the Lord does it better.  He backspaces the mistakes of our life and they are completely written out of the code.  They don’t stay around.  They don’t linger.  His work on the cross is the best white out or eraser ever made.  We acknowledge our shortcomings and He clears them away.  He allows us to turn in the perfect paper because of His perfect life.  Your name is written (typed) in the Book of Life and is safe in His loving hands.

            I see one red line.  I am going to run the spelling and grammar and see if the computer is right.  The spelling looks right to me.  Stay tuned . . .

In Christ,
