Pastor’s Notes October 2018

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We know what a hard place this world is to live in.  We text angry.  We tweet angry.  We drive angry.  We even live and work angry.  The frustration level of the populace is about ready to burst into one huge screaming match.  Or is it there already?

Sometimes in this jumbled mess of a society the Lord gives us a little solace.  I recently went to one of our Senior Living Communities to visit a few of our members.  Not only was it great to visit with our brothers and sisters and talk about their faith, but also it was a pleasure just to walk around.  Everyone in the hallways says, “hello or hi” they may have a walker or a cane but they have joy in their heart and are willing to engage in pleasant conversation.  I rode the elevator and didn’t get stuck!  Even one of the workers’s made me smile when she thought I was one of the resident’s grandsons instead of their son.  Thank you Lord!  It all reminded me of a world we would like to live in.  Like I say some day’s it is hard just to leave the house.

It all was a reminder of what we have when we worship together.  It is a couple hour respite from the “angry” world where we are nurtured and fed and prepared to face another week.  People say things like “good morning” and “Lord be with you” and “I’m praying for you.”  People smile and have joy in the fellowship of fellow believers.  Our worship life is permanent, lasting, and true – something we all need from the 100 – year old parishioner to the newborn baby.

An LCMS Pastor named John Fiene said this, “When we show people that we are grateful to God for the rich theological heritage we have received in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, people are eager and anxious to become part of us.  It is hard to teach doctrinal substance in a short period of time, but the more we stand in contrast to society, the more the Gospel seems to break into people’s consciousness as an ‘other-worldly’ truth.  Through all this formal, theological, sacramental ‘other-worldliness’ people are realizing a peace in their hearts that cannot be easily described or explained.”

Don’t give up this peace and strength and permanence.  I know all of you reading this experience the “hard times” of life.  The Lord is calling to you, speaking to you, come join your brothers and sisters in consistent worship and study of God’s Word.  It is something down deep you know you need.  I pray that the Holy Spirit works this for you.

Find solace in the arms of Jesus.  See you in church!

In Christ,
