Sermon Text for May 27, 2018: “Are You In The Witness Protection Program?”

May 27, 2018                                                                                                 Isaiah 6:1-8

Dear Friends in Christ,

Many of you know I enjoy the study of people, especially groups of people.  One such group is the mafia.  I watch all the shows on cable about Luciano, Gotti, Arcado, Gianncana, and Anastasia.  If you testify against these types of men you need to be protected and starting in 1970 the government came up with a program – The Federal Witness Protection Program.  They change your address, your occupation, your name and anything else that might identify you.  You hide from who you used to be.  You testify in court and then you clam up – to stay alive.

The Lord in our text was looking for someone just as bold.  But this job description did not include hiding from your witness.  It would include calling out a whole nation.  It would take a prophet.

How about you?  How bold are you?  Are you prepared to confront the idolaters of our nation?  Do you recognize your sinful shortcomings?  Do you want to go in hiding?


The text begins, “In the year that King Uzziah died.”  2 Chronicles 26 gives us a glimpse of this king.  He ruled for 52 years.  During his reign the economy blossomed.  Unemployment and taxes were low.  Military victories happened.  Judah was experiencing good times.  “Ain’t we lucky we got ‘em – good times!”  All this though led to a lowering of moral standards.  After Uzziah died, the Assyrian threat made the future look bleak.

Any of this sound familiar?  Our economy is on the upswing.  Unemployment is low and certain taxes are declining.  But what about our moral standards?  Drugs being legalized.  Values being questioned.  Marriage being flushed down the sewer of post-modern relativism.  Safe zones being created while young people get shot in the school library.

Isaiah knew that in spite of the problems God was still in charge.  He saw the Lord sitting on His throne.  God is still on his throne.  He is directing the course of the world in His own wise way.

Isaiah’s vision was part of the Lord’s plan.  God was going to need a witness but He didn’t need a self-righteous one.  Seeing God’s majesty and hearing the worship offered by the angels Isaiah was overwhelmed by his own sinfulness.  He responded by confessing his sins and the sins of his nation.

In our culture most of us see ourselves as individuals but Isaiah’s confession reflects the more scriptural view of society.  We belong to one another.  Each of us contributes to the whole.  We retain individual responsibility for the direction of our own lives, but we also share jointly in the responsibility for the direction our society takes.

God provided the cleansing for Isaiah.  His unclean lips were atoned for and his guilt taken away.  He was ready to enter the Lord’s witness protection program.

Before our commission we too stand before the Lord with unclean lips and hearts and actions.  Isaiah felt he would die from his encounter with the Lord.  Do your sins ever do that to you?  We come face to face with our guilt and know there is no way to pay the penalty?  And we don’t have to.  Through Jesus God provides our forgiveness.  He baptizes us through the Holy Spirit.  Through the Word of the Gospel, which tells us everything Christ has done, we are cleansed from our unclean lips.  Through faith created by the Spirit working through Word and Sacrament, we trust that forgiveness and salvation.  Now – can I get a witness?!

The Lord got one.  He became the most quoted Old Testament writer in the New Testament.  He declared God’s judgment and the promise of his salvation – the coming Savior.  To hear and respond to this message is what Isaiah’s world needed.  His assignment would not be easy.  He would name names.  He would confront.  After a while, people would cross the street when they saw him coming.  Eventually, if tradition tells the truth, his own people would saw him in half.

Can our world – get your witness?  Hiding behind a new identity is not an option.  You are a Christian – a follower of the Savior, clothed in His righteousness.  Will you love and chastise?  Confront and forgive?  The idolatry is so immense and the task difficult but remember the Lord is in charge of your protection.  He may not be asking you to preach like Peter in our Acts reading this morning, but He is encouraging your witness.  He asks you to scatter seed in your speaking of the Good News.  The Word will create the faith.  Jesus is on stage even as the Holy Spirit is behind the scenes making it happen.  He’s in the rafters, putting the spotlight on Jesus.

May we too – in our lives and conversations – remain focused on Christ, proclaiming the simple, beautiful news of His birth, death, and resurrection.

Here am I, send me, send me!
