Celebrating December 2015


12/3 Matthew Culp
12/3 Jacob Piper
12/6 Eli McNeely
12/7 Kaitlin Culp
12/7 Brian Hitch
12/10 Kimberly King
12/14 Johanna Kirchner
12/17 Pauline Hanner
12/17 Karson Lueck
12/19 Matthew Holland
12/20 Heidi Bliese
12/24 Devin Kemp-Golden
12/28 Tanner Hitch
12/30 Audrie King
12/31 Richard Olson

Baptismal Birthdays

12/1    Theron Noth
12/4    Caleb Evans
12/5    Curtis Kessler, Jr
12/12    Sierra Parker
12/18    Gordon Schroeder
12/20    Jeanette McNeely
12/23    Jacob Piper
12/25    John Campbell
12/27    Aaron Scott
12/28    Maria Kirchner
12/29    Heidi Bliese
12/29    Karson Lueck

Pastor’s Notes December 2015

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Today on my schedule I had the task of writing this devotion for the newsletter. As I awoke and made my way to the bathroom to shower, my schedule changed. As I turned on the light I noticed a note on the mirror that read in part, “__________________ ran into the mailbox this morning.” As I showered I wondered how much damage had been done. Was the mailbox bent? Was it knocked over? Did I have work to do so that we could receive our mail that day?

After getting myself ready, I peered out the window and the mailbox was . . . completely on the ground. This newsletter article was going to have to wait. I spent most of that morning working to get it into some semblance of shape for the catalogs, bills, and junk to be delivered.

Ever have a day or numerous days like that where your plans are changed? Now think of the Virgin Mary and the day she had when the angel told her she would be the mother of Jesus. What were her plans that day? Had she just gotten up, stepped out of the bath, eaten her breakfast? For me, a few hours of my day were changed. For Mary, a lifetime was altered. Imagine what it was like to know that she would be carrying within her the King of kings and Lord of lords! She knew the Lord was with her and she could confidently say, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to Your word.” (Luke1:38)

As we head into December we must be prepared for our plans to be changed or altered. It could be the weather. It could be sickness. It could be our job. It could be the mailbox knocked over. Whatever it is, be assured that you are not alone. That Child Mary was carrying was coming into the world to carry our burdens. Our Lord will sustain and comfort us. He will walk with us every step of the way. His death and resurrection are our entrance into the glory of heaven . . . where there will be no mailboxes on their sides or anything else to disturb our eternity.

In Christ,