June 5, 2016, Text: Galatians 1:11-24

June 5, 2016                                                                           Text:  Galatians 1:11-24


Dear Friends in Christ,


A young farmer in North Dakota brought home a fancy barometer for which he paid $24.65.  In the days that followed he watched it as it predicted the weather.  It hung in an honored place in the home but then came the day when for three days it predicted a “storm” while the sky was crystal blue.  So he took it off the wall drove back to town and demanded his money back.

As he and his wife were returning home they where alarmed when they saw a storm in the distant sky.  By the time they got back, their home had blown away.  Furniture in the trees, the bathtub a half a mile away.  But the grandmother had believed the barometer, and when a dark cloud appeared, she took the two small children and went into the old storm cellar, and they were saved from the storm.

For many people, the Gospel from God is like that barometer.  Some place it on a wall of honor.  They listen carefully to its promises of a glorious future, a kingdom that will last forever, a place where every tear will be wiped away.  They hear the wonderful promises, but they notice that all around them is nothing but sin, death, heartache, and a bleak future.  So they take the Gospel off the wall and back to town where they demand their money back.  They lose faith in the power of the Gospel as they become deceived by their surroundings.

Do you have faith in the power of the Gospel?  The Apostle Paul certainly did.  It had changed him.  It has changed you as well.  Paul helps us to see that . . .


We Christians are to believe the Gospel of God; but our sinful flesh, the world, and Satan often get in the way of our faith.  Perhaps we get influenced by a culture that lives for the now.  Maybe we question the truth of the Gospel as we hear the scoffers and deniers of Christ Jesus.  Can doubt creep in because we get so caught up in ourselves that the good news of salvation gets squeezed out of the picture?

Look at how the Apostle Paul views things.  The Gospel has no human origin – it is not from men – it originated in the heart of God.  He was moved by grace to establish a way of salvation, which no sinner could ever have found.  How we view Scripture is a genuine reflection of how we view God.  He is only revealed in the pages of the Holy Bible.  Found there is the power to change.

The Gospel of Christ has changed persecutors and enemies.  Saul to Paul – persecutor to preacher.  God had loved Saul and set him apart before he was born.  Saul heard, “Why are you persecuting me?” (Acts 9:4)  But then he also heard words of forgiveness and received Baptism through Ananias (Acts 9:17-18).  Jesus still loved him!  That changed everything for Saul.  St. Paul became one of the greatest missionaries in the history of the Christian Church.

We have been changed from enemies of God to children of God.  We heard after coming out of the womb, “You are now a child of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” with the water of our Baptism.  We heard that Jesus’ death on the cross is mine.  The forgiveness Jesus earned when he died is mine.  The resurrection of Jesus from the tomb is mine.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ has changed our perspective.  What an honor to be Jesus’ faithful followers.

A Pastor once asked his Bible Class what their favorite verse was.  He got the usual replies, John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 3:23.  Then an older gentleman rose to his feet and said, “Mine is ‘And it came to pass.’”  This brought a few murmurs from the group, until he explained, “In all of my challenges it has always helped me to remember ‘And it came to pass.’  I am so glad that the Bible doesn’t say, ‘And it came to stay.’”

Isn’t that what makes the Gospel such Good News?  Everything in this world does come to pass and aren’t we relieved?  Who would want an eternal journey of wars and famines – through an endless cycle of job insecurity – through eternal people conflicts and family problems – through eternal disappointments and heartaches – through health challenges and government waste – through perpetual vulgarity and man-induced stupidity?  Thankfully this world will pass away but as Christ says in Luke, “My words will never pass away.”  Change is possible – through the Gospel.

Paul’s change showed God’s glory by revealing the power of His Word to change hearts.  Pauls’ mission glorified God, as many new souls were able to receive God’s gifts and worship Him for eternity.

Our change shows God’s glory.  As we live out our Baptism and share the glorious Gospel with others.  When we live and walk with Him in our daily lives, others see this and the Holy Spirit can change their hearts.

You have heard the Word of Christ again this morning.  We pray that this change continues as your faith grows – through the Gospel.
