Pastor’s Notes, March 2015

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We begin with what I consider an easy question:  Do bad things happen to Christians?  From the Scriptures and our life experiences we can answer with a resounding:  “Yes!”  We all quantify bad things differently, but it still does not change the answer.

For the believer in Christ, we know that our Lord is there.  No matter what might happen to us – sickness, accident, financial challenge, problems with spouse or children, job loss, or just the daily irritants that can really bug us – we are assured through the Holy Bible that God loves us.  That love was never more evident than in the sending of His Son to die in our place on a cross.  Our filthy, damning sin was paid for by Our Redeemer.  He rose again so that we can look forward to an eternity in heaven with Him.  The bad things will cease!

God is always by our side to help us and strengthen us.  Sometimes when things seem to be going along swimmingly, we lose sight of our gracious Savior.  We need Christ each and every day.  Each block of 24 hours has its own challenges.

The Psalmist wrote, “Call upon me in the day of trouble; and I will deliver you.” (Ps. 50:15).  So we pray to Him and ask for His guidance and assistance.  He will answer our prayers.  He will never leave us.


In Christ,
