Pastor’s Notes November 2014

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

A person traveling in England came across a sign on the desk of a Country Inn. The sign read: “Please introduce yourself to your fellow guests since we are one big happy family.” And then underneath were these words: “Do not leave valuables in your room.” That little sign says a lot about human INCONSISTENCY.

We live in an inconsistent world. If something doesn’t please us right away, or turn us on in an instant or if it means the smallest self-sacrifice – well, forget it. It’s no wonder relationships and children and hard work and loyalties and church attendance is being thrown to the wind.

We need consistency in our lives. Our children need consistency in their lives. God calls us to consistency in what we embrace and believe as revealed in His Holy Word, the Scripture. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Heb. 13:8) Thank God for the CONSISTENCY OF GOD that firmly holds us to the cross of His dear Son. Thank God that for Jesus’s sake we are consistently reassured: “I. even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.” (Isa. 43:25)

How could we possibly be convinced that the CONSISTENCY OF CHRIST’S LOVE FOR US means that INCONSISTENCY IN OUR LIVES IN OK? Listen to this:

“A man who has a layover at an airport does not go into the bathroom and start redecorating. Why? Because he doesn’t live there. He has a home in another place. Why do we Christians work hard at trying to make our life in this world more comfortable? This is just the airport and we are in transit. We should spend our energy on enhancing our eternal reward, and not worry so much about the bare walls in the airport restroom.”

May the Lord bless your consistency in worship and Bible Class and Sunday School. Not hit and miss – here and there. Not giving the Lord our leftover time. We strive for consistency in many areas of life. Let’s do the same with our faith life.

In Christ,
