Stewardship Corner November 2016

“O give thanks to the Lord for He is good.  His love endures forever” (Psalm 136:1).  The love of the Lord does endure forever because the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, is risen from the dead, lives and reigns for all eternity.  He was crucified for our transgressions, but He is raised and lives forever for our justification. We are acceptable to God in Christ Jesus.

This is indeed something for which we give thanks.  We give thanks in our prayers. We give thanks in the hymns we sing in church.  We give thanks by talking about it with our friends and neighbors and teaching it to our children and grandchildren. And we give thanks by giving to the church a generous, first-fruits portion of the income He provides us.

Giving is giving thanks.  It is one of the concrete ways in which we thank God for all He has done for us.  This includes not just what He has done for us here in time, but what He does for us for all eternity.  He provides for all that we need in both body and soul.  He is more ready to give than we are able either to receive or even ask.  That is who He is.  That is His character.  He is good and His love endures forever.

Let us then give thanks in all these ways, not in one way or the other.  But rather in all things, everything that we do and say, whether it be in word or deed, in prayer and praise, in teaching and giving, let us give thanks to God for He is good.