Stewardship Corner August 2016

“Thanks be to God for His inexpressible gift” (2 Cor. 9:15)!  This is St. Paul’s exclamation upon hearing the Corinthian church’s response to the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His request for support for the Church in Jerusalem.  The Christians in Corinth heard and received God’s mercy in Christ, and they responded to St. Paul’s call to support Christians in Jerusalem with a collection.  The Corinthian’s joy filled Jerusalem’s need.

This is the reality of stewardship.  Because of God’s generosity in the giving of His Son to die on the cross for us, we are to be generous with all that we receive from Him.  What do we receive? Everything.  All that we are and all that we have is the Lord’s.  He is the creator and the giver. We are His creatures and those who receive what He gives.

It sounds easy.  And it is.  But then again it isn’t.  Stewardship is easy because it God’s work. Through what God gives, we give to others.  Through what God gives, we support the work of the church for the life of the world.  He gives; we receive.  And like our generous Father in Heaven, we, as His children, use what He gives to us to love and serve others.

But stewardship is also difficult.  That is because it goes against our natural inclination to think that what I have is mine to do what I want with.  This is our sinful nature.  It is our selfishness and our greed.  How can we who have been given everything—life, food, clothing, house, home, forgiveness, divine sonship, an eternal inheritance—be so stingy with what we give to the church, the place where we hear about and receive all that God gives us and does for us?  We are all guilty of this kind of thinking.  And the only godly response is to repent and trust in the Gospel.

For if God has given you His own Son, will He not give you all things?  Yes.  He will.  This is His sure and certain promise.  God provides for His people.  He provides everything we need for this body and life and for the life that is to come.

The church is a mercy place. It’s a place where God’s mercy in the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ, is given and received.  For we who believe in Christ, it means forgiveness, life, and salvation in the face of sin, death, and the power of the devil.  Here in the church we inhale God’s mercy in Word and Sacrament, and exhale this same mercy in love and service to our neighbor. And that is an enduring, joyful thing to do.  Our joy fills our neighbor’s need because His joy filled ours (Heb. 12:2). Thanks be to God for His inexpressible gift!